I don't even really remember what happened this week... Our friends are doing well and we had a good week haha.
Oh yeah! It was my birthday! I am now officially 20! It was a great birthday!!
I got some presents from my family, and we had so many members bring us food. We got brought cheesecake and eggs(we really needed eggs) and another remember asked us what kind of ice cream we wanted, so I got some chocolate fudge brownie non-dairy Ben and Jerry's!! We also made brownies!
We were able to take the sacrament again
I also gave a talk for our Branch Zoom Church and it went well. It was really nice to give a talk over zoom because we don't have to see anyone's faces
I talked about personal revelation and it was the very first talk that I have given that I didn't have to have a script. I just had some notes and was led by the spirit
I don't really remember much else. It's been a slow/long week, haha.
I invite you all to read "A Good Foundation against the Time to Come" by Elder Stevenson from this past conference and evaluate your spiritual foundation.
A quote I loved from it was: "What might spiritual cornerstones of our personal and family lives be? They may be the simple, plain and precious principles of gospel living - family prayer; scripture study, including the Book of Mormon; temple attendance; and gospel learning through Come, Follow Me and home evening."
Something that we have been focusing on with our friends is making sure they are reading the Book of Mormon daily. I know doing this will strengthen your foundation in Christ because it testifies of Christ on almost every page!!
Love you all!!
Thank you for the birthday wishes
Sister Thacker
Oh yeah, also I accidentally burned my hand on the oven, so there is my picture of that lol.
Happy birthday, beloved Sister Thacker!!! Thank you for being such a bright part of our Hannah's life. We love you!!!