Wow... I'm in New York... I think I say that about 10 times a day... lol
So since last Saturday.... I have packed up my stuff, said goodbyes to the good old MTC and Utah... and made my way eastward to New York.
It's been quite a week (and then some...)
On Tuesday morning, we got up super early to head to the airport. It was sad riding front runner past south Jordan... but it's all good because I love flying and airplanes, and I was headed to New York, so I was excited.
Saying goodbye to Sister Tolman
A highlight from traveling to the airpoet was a man headed to work on the train, he helped us missionaries get to our bags to the airport and onto the different trains we had to ride. The best thing though was that he gave the man sitting next to him a pass along card and was telling him to go see temple square when he gets a chance. It was an amazing example of a member missionary.

After a long two flights, lots of pretty pictures, passing a chick fila in the Detroit airport
We then headed to downtown Syracuse to do a little bit of street contacting, scary! But it was alright, we met a nice lady who asked us how we are different from other churches.
Then we had some genuine New York pizza and that was yummy, a little chewy, but soooo good after MTC food lol.
We stayed at the mission home that night and it is a gorgeous home.
The next day we got up and had some training, but then we headed to the church building to meet our trainers!!!!!!
Before telling who was with who, President Vest had each of the trainers stand up and say what they thought the most important thing in missionary work is....
My trainer got up and said.... Trust in the Lord!!!! Soooo as many of you know, that was my main theme from conference.... so as soon as she said that, I knew she was my trainer.
Her name is Sister Geddes, she is from Gilbert Arizona, and she has been out for 6 months. She is so sweet and hilarious!
Example, we(she) drive a Toyota Tacoma, a truck... it's hilarious when she is driving because she hates it, Haha. But in her defense, New York roads are crazy and have no organization whatsoever. It's very frustrating. I have no idea which way is north or south. But it's okay because its gorgeous here in New York, the colors are beautiful.

Anyways, we are in Saratoga Springs, New York, it's a little north of Albany. We are doing some adjusting because the elders had half of the ward before but now they made it one area so we acquired all of their area and people. Its crazy! But we are busy, which is always good.
Person we are teaching:
Nathan: he is so cool! He has been taught for while but tonight we are going to invite him to be baptised!! He knows it's true, but he is really busy so going to church isn't a priority, but he'll get there.
That's the only lesson we had the last few days because we are a sorting everything out with the areabook.
Tracting is interesting, the First two days I was very motivated and excited, but as it has gotten colder and darker and we have tracted in darker neighborhood's (fun fact: most streets don't have street lights and most houses don't have their porch lights on) it's been hard to be excited to knock on someones door when it's really dark...
It's also way out of my comfort zone, so it's a little bit nerve racking. Also, if a missionary comes to your door and wants to tell you about Jesus, let them give you a little message, give them something to snack on, and tell them that you appreciate what they are doing. They might be brand new and are so nervous, or they might be having a bad day. My point is, be nice to everyone, you never know who might be having a bad day. Smile at people, compliment them. It means a lot.
On Thursdays we volunteer at the cutest place, its called the free store and people can get vouchers from the community center and shop there for free, there are all kinds of people and we have met some awesome people.
It's a little bit of an adjustment to being on a mission, but it hasn't been too bad. Sister Geddes helps me a lot. She is a really good listener and she likes to ask questions to make you think. She has worked me though a few things already just by asking me questions. I am really blessed to have an amazing trainer who will help me become the best missionary I can be. It's going to be hard and uncomfortable, but I know that I can do all things through Christ, who strengthens me.
I am learning to trust in him and know that he knows exactly what I am going through, and he can perfectly help me with anything I am going through, I just need to turn to him and he will be right by my side.
I know that I am where I am supposed to be and I know that my Heavenly Father knows me and is very aware of me. I know that this gospel is true and I know that the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter Day Saints is the only true church on the earth today. I know that the Book of Mormon is the word of God and I know that it contains the fullness of the gospel of Jesus Christ. I know that Joseph Smith was and is a prophet and I know he did see God the Father and his Son Jesus Christ in the flesh. Not too far from where I am now, in Palmyra, New York. I love my Savior, and I am so grateful for his Atoneing sacrifice for me so that I can return to live with my Father in Heaven again.
If you haven't had a chance to, check out and watch conference to hear the words of the living prophets and apostles.
I love you all!!! Thank you for the support.
My new address is
82 Crescent St, Apt 33E
Saratoga Springs, NY 12866
Please send me letters and packages, I would love to hear from you!!
Talk to you next week!
There are so many gorgeous old churches here.
Funny church sign we saw.
My Duck!
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